Feminine Business Sanctuary

4-Month Experience in an Intimate Group 


Use your feminine energy to build the foundation of a successful busines


Book a free Clarity Call with Cristina Pop

Dreaming about growing a business that supports you instead of you having to support it 24/7?


I see you, woman entrepreneur

  • You already have your business, but your business consumes you instead of supporting you and this is not how you imagined having your own business would look like


  • You are in the corporate world dreaming about launching your own business and you don't want to reproduce the go-go-go -exhaustion- recovery- go-go-go vicious cycle you know so well 

  • Either way, your business (or business idea) feels much harder that it need to be

I have been in your shoes

I understand exactly what it's like to want to have a business AND a life. While effort is required in entrepreneurship, suffering is not. This is why I have created my own method, The THRIVE Formula, and then helped 100+ clients transform their lives in a profound way.


Clients just like Andréa:

" I was on the verge of giving up my profession!"


Before I started working with Cristina Pop,  I was on the verge of giving up my profession. I felt lost, lacked self-confidence, and struggled to balance my professional and personal life.

Cristina provided me with many key strategies to get organized, reconcile my personal and professional life, and find myself  again in the midst of it all.

I have learned to charge for the true value of my work and to say no, which made a huge difference. Now, I am no longer overwhelmed with unprofitable cases, and I bill for every task I complete.

Thanks to Cristina Pop I can finally balance being a professional, a mother, and the person I want to be.




Most entrepreneurs think that in order to have a successful business, you need to put more hours into it


That you need...

  • productivity hacks and rigid time management tools
  • to build complicated funnels and follow pushy marketing strategies
  • to hustle and grind 

That you need to run your business like a man

[from your masculine energy]

I'm here to tell you: YOU DON'T!


What if I told you that actually you need to learn how to manage your energy, your feminine energy- and NOT your time.

That you can have much more (time, energy, joy, delight, business revenue,...) while doing much less?

That you can create a thriving business without using salesy and pushy business strategies?

Because the truth is that the old way (the run your business like a man way) is not working for you (nor it does for most women) 

We have been taught this old-way because our society values masculine energy so much. But while the healthy masculine energy (structure, logic, strategy, doing) is needed, so is the feminine energy (intuition, respecting your rhythms and cycles, connecting with your body and your emotions).

That's why I have created The THRIVE Formula.


In it, I combine my 13 years as a coach with my experience in marketing, ancient wisdoms and pragmatical entrepreneurial skills with the piece that has been missing from the old-paradigm business approaches: 

Your Feminine Energy


... expressed in new business models and strategies- business done DIFFERENTLY.

It has worked for me and for dozens and dozens of clients.

Just like Pauline:

" I have made huge progress in my business!"

I’ve launched a my online shop, started a podcast, designed my offers, and looked into organizing a workshop.



Feminine Business Sanctuary


is a 4-month experience for women entrepreneurs who are done with old strategies that don't work for them and are ready to do business differently.

They are ready to create a thriving business that holds them.

Feminine Business Sanctuary is NOT an "old-way" business program.

It is...

  • A holistic program

From mindset to strategy and energy, you'll learn how to bring it all together in your business so that you can create business revenue in less time.

You will have me by your side, week after week to guide you and create the solid foundations of your business.


  • Intimate group and support

You will integrate an intimate group of max. 10 women. The group is carefully curated. I am known for creating groups with great synergy and where each women feels that she belongs.


  • No FOMO or "I'm behind" feeling

You will have abundant time to integrate and implement the teachings. I have designed the program in a way that gives you time and space. Our calls are spread over 4 months but you will have access to the course for 1 year.


  • Get exactly what you need

Every one of my clients leaves content and satisfied, feeling good about their investment. You will have all the support you need and walk away with what you came for. We check this together regularly throughout the program.


The 3 pillars of the THRIVE Formula that we will learn and implement, step-by-step


Pillar 1: Build Your Solid Foundations

  • Out of the hustle-mindset 
  • Back into your body

Pillar 2: Reconnect with Your Feminine Energy (YIN)

  • Learn to respect your feminine energy and inner rhythms

  •  Manage your energy, alchemize your time

  • Build Feminine Business Blueprint & Business Model

Pillar 3: Leverage Your Healthy Masculine Energy (YANG)

  • Develop business and leadership strategies that integrate feminine (intuition, rhythms, flow) and masculine (structure, data)

Let's have a look at what awaits for you inside:


  • 6 x 70-min Group Calls with me where you get the coaching you need to set the foundations of your business
  • access to Feminine Business Sanctuary Online Course for 1 year so you have plenty of time to implement everything
  • 2 follow-up Group Calls  of 75 minutes each, with me, where we go deeper into what you have implemented and what you need to do next
  • access to your Feminine Business Sanctuary Accountability Group so that you never feel alone again on your entrepreneurial journey
  • my Signature Cyclic Planner that will allow you plan everything in your business according to your inner energetic seasons and stop pushing against your body and your energy




  1. access 24/7 to my Repertoire of Practices that will allow you to remove invisible energetic blocks that make business feel harder than it needs to be + increase your capacity to create your own success. You will have a personalized practice to regulate your nervous system and take care of your energy
  2.  Money and Wealth Codes Course and Practice- super practical and focused on the financial knowledge you need and the strategies you need to put in place to create your financial safety

 What is the investment?

Feminine Business Sanctuary is currently available at a special price

1900 CHF

(Payment plan options available, price without VAT)

“My coaching with Cristina Pop is my best investment of the year”

“Cristina's method is very powerful; it enables an inner change. It helps me identify my obstacles and provides a tool and solution for every situation. It's a holistic approach that has allowed me to see results very quickly and change my daily life.”


Céleste Hélias

This could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.

Book a free 20-min Call with Cristina Pop

You don’t have to choose between deep alignment in your life and business and a profitable business model. You can have both. When your business is carried by both the unseen strategy (energetics) and the seen strategy (marketing and sales), you have a sustainable business that holds you, instead of consuming you.


If you’re ready to step into the new generation of women entrepreneurs

who are done with old strategies that don't work for them and are ready to do business differently,

I’d be love to show you the way.


Book a free 20-min Clarity Call with Cristina Pop